Uses of Interface

Packages that use Internationalizable
org.jtheque.core.managers.language Contains the language manager. 
org.jtheque.core.managers.lifecycle Contains the application. 
org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions Contains the actions of the GUI layer. 
org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.about Onine actions. Action of the author view. 
org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.backup Contains the backup actions. 
org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.collections Contains the collections actions. 
org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.config Contains the actions for the configuration view. 
org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.core Contains the base actions. 
org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.event Contains the event view actions. 
org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.messages Contains the actions of the messages view. 
org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.module Contains the actions of the module view. 
org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.module.repository Contains the the actions of the repository view. 
org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.module.update Contains the actions of the update module view. 
org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.undo Contains the undo/redo actions. 
org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.utils Contains the utils for the action. 
org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.components Contains the swing components. 
org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.components.filthy.java2d Contains the Java 2D views. Contains the differents menus. 
org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.components.panel Contains the panel components. 
org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.frame Contains the frames of the application. 
org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.frame.abstraction Contains the abstract frames. 

Uses of Internationalizable in org.jtheque.core.managers.language

Classes in org.jtheque.core.managers.language that implement Internationalizable
 class TabTitleUpdater
          A tab title updater to keep the tab title up to date with the current locale.

Methods in org.jtheque.core.managers.language with parameters of type Internationalizable
 void LanguageManager.addInternationalizable(Internationalizable internationalizable)
 void ILanguageManager.addInternationalizable(Internationalizable internationalizable)
          Add an internationalizable element.

Uses of Internationalizable in org.jtheque.core.managers.lifecycle

Classes in org.jtheque.core.managers.lifecycle that implement Internationalizable
 class LifeCycleManager
          A JTheque application implementation.

Uses of Internationalizable in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions

Classes in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions that implement Internationalizable
 class JThequeAction
          An action of JTheque.

Uses of Internationalizable in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.about

Classes in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.about that implement Internationalizable
 class DisplayAboutViewAction
          Action to display the about view.
 class PrintLicenseAction
          An action to print the licence of the application.

Uses of Internationalizable in

Classes in that implement Internationalizable
 class AcInformOfABug
          Action to inform the author of a bug.
 class AcMakeDonation
          Action to make a donation to the author.
 class AcOpenHelp
          Action to open the help.
 class AcProposeImprovement
          Action to propose an improvement.

Uses of Internationalizable in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.backup

Classes in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.backup that implement Internationalizable
 class AcBackup
          An abstract action to backup.
 class AcBackupToJTD
          Action to backup to JTD.
 class AcBackupToXML
          Action to backup to XML.
 class AcRestore
          Action to restore from JTD.
 class AcRestoreFromJTD
          Action to restore from JTD.
 class AcRestoreFromXML
          Action to restore from XML.

Uses of Internationalizable in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.collections

Classes in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.collections that implement Internationalizable
 class CancelAction
          An action to cancel the collection choosing process.
 class ChooseAction
          An action to choose a collection.
 class CreateAction
          An action to create the collection.

Uses of Internationalizable in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.config

Classes in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.config that implement Internationalizable
 class ApplyChangesAction
          An action to apply the changes of the current configuration panel.
 class ApplyChangesAndCloseAction
          An action to apply the changes of the current configuration panel and close the configuration view.
 class CancelChangesAction
          An action to cancel the changes of the current configuration panel.

Uses of Internationalizable in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.core

Classes in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.core that implement Internationalizable
 class ExitAction
          An action to exit of the application.

Uses of Internationalizable in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.event

Classes in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.event that implement Internationalizable
 class UpdateAction
          An action to update the event view.

Uses of Internationalizable in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.messages

Classes in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.messages that implement Internationalizable
 class DisplayNextMessageAction
          An action to display the next message.
 class DisplayPreviousMessageAction
          An action to display the previous message.

Uses of Internationalizable in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.module

Classes in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.module that implement Internationalizable
 class AbstractUpdateAction
          An abstract update action.
 class DisableModuleAction
          An action to disable a module.
 class EnableModuleAction
          An action to enable a module.
 class InstallModuleAction
          An action to install a module.
 class LoadModuleAction
          An action to load a module.
 class SwitchPrimaryModuleAction
          An action to swith the primary module.
 class UninstallModuleAction
          An action to uninstall a module.
 class UpdateKernelAction
          An action to update the kernel.
 class UpdateModuleAction
          An action to update a module.
 class UpdateUpdatableAction
          An action to update a module.

Uses of Internationalizable in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.module.repository

Classes in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.module.repository that implement Internationalizable
 class ExpandRepositoryModuleAction
          Expand the selected module.
 class InstallRepositoryModuleAction
          Install the selected module.

Uses of Internationalizable in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.module.update

Classes in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.module.update that implement Internationalizable
 class AcValidateUpdateView
          An action to validate the update view.

Uses of Internationalizable in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.undo

Classes in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.undo that implement Internationalizable
 class AbstractAction
          An abstract undo action.
 class RedoAction
          An redo action.
 class UndoAction
          An undo action.

Uses of Internationalizable in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.utils

Classes in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.actions.utils that implement Internationalizable
 class AbstractBrowseAction
          Ab abstract browse action.
 class CloseViewAction
          A generic close view action.
 class DisplayViewAction
          A generic display view action.

Uses of Internationalizable in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.components

Classes in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.components that implement Internationalizable
 class JThequeCheckBox
          A internationalizable checkbox.
 class JThequeLabel
          An internationalizable label.

Uses of Internationalizable in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.components.filthy.java2d

Classes in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.components.filthy.java2d that implement Internationalizable
 class AboutPane
          An about view using filthy paint with Java 2D.

Uses of Internationalizable in

Classes in that implement Internationalizable
 class JThequeMenu
          A JTheque menu.

Uses of Internationalizable in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.components.panel

Classes in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.components.panel that implement Internationalizable
 class FileChooserPanel
          A panel with a label, a text field and a button to choose a file.

Uses of Internationalizable in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.frame

Classes in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.frame that implement Internationalizable
 class ConfigView
          A view for the configuration.
 class LicenceView
          A view to display the licence.
 class LogView
          A log view implementation.
 class MessageView
 class ModuleView
          A view to display the modules.
 class RepositoryView
          The view to display the repository of the application.
 class UpdateView
          An update view.

Uses of Internationalizable in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.frame.abstraction

Classes in org.jtheque.core.managers.view.impl.frame.abstraction that implement Internationalizable
 class SwingDialogView
          A swing dialog view.

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