
This document show the different versions of JTheque Core. 19.01.2010 Bugs corrections

  • Launch bugs correction * Builder's layout correction * About view correction * Little refactorings

2.0.3 29.12.2009 Modules simplification and UI

  • Add modules of the folder directly to the application * Utility class to access most used methods of the Core * Improvements of Swing support * Make menu configuration easier * Easier definition of application.xml

2.0.2 29.11.2009 Delete primary module concept

  • Dependencies between modules * Configure log level from application.xml file * Generic BeansManager * Code quality improvements * Use Substance as Look & Feel * Performance improvements for PropertiesManager * Only one annotation for modules, @Module * UTF-8 encoding * Dependencies between database schema * Improvement of .versions file * Update SwingX -> 1.6 * Update JXLayer -> 3.0.4 * No more primary modules, use of JTheque Applications. * Replace Commons Logging with SLF4J. * 7 bug corrections

2.0.1 12.09.2009 Applications easier, internationalization

  • The Maven dependencies are now correctly resolved with repository and not local files. * A JTheque Core application is now a simple flat file (XML) * Internationalization's improvements * New language for the core : German * Better image's configuration for an application

2.0 30.08.2009 Maven 2, Spring, XML

  • Switch from FormLayout to GridBagLayout * Switch from Spring JavaConfig to an XML configuration * Deletion of getXXXManager() methods and use of interfaces * Cut of Application to Application and ApplicationManager * Injection resources with Spring * Move "import from an other database" feature to a new utility module "JTheque Tools Module". * Integration of the modules in Spring and simplification of their architecture with annotation * Use of sonar for continuous quality measure * Unit test improvements. * Use of Maven 2

1.4 05.07.2009 Graphics review, events

  • Graphical review * Move utilities to JTheque Utils project * Implementation of collection's choice directly in core. * Implementation of enabling/disabling services of the core. * Manager launching in 2 phases * Events logging * System of needed core version verification

1.3 01.06.2009 Spring JDBC, H2

  • Use of H2 * Use of Spring JDBC

1.2 08.04.2009 Second level cache, Jasper Reports, ...

  • Second level cache * Support of Jasper Reports * Refactorings

1.1 10.03.2009 Refactorings and improvements

  • Refactorings * Base improvements

1.0 09.02.2009 First release

  • Base's versions * Enable Java Developer to develop modular applications

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